It has been far too long for this update but I am pleased to say that Sapphire class is doing  well in relation to their attendance.  I took a sneaky peak at the attendance figures for last week and Sapphire were in second place with 95.6%.  Second place : (

Everyone in Sapphire class knows how happy I am  when we get top stop for attendance, so we have to try really hard at being in school every single day.  When you miss school, unfortunately you miss out on the learning and we don’t want that to happen. So let’s and make Sapphire class number one in the attendance chart every week.

Don’t forget there is a chance to win a fantastic bike at the end of your year 5 journey, and that’s just for coming into school everyday!

2 responses »

  1. ABDUL IQBAL says:

    come on sapp we could do better!

    lets try getting 100 % for our attendence.
    GOOD TRY SAPPHIRE CLASS but lets work harder.

  2. Joseph says:


    🙂 😉 :} ;}

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